Earth Day's 50th anniversary falls at a time when citizens of Earth are presently preoccupied with the unfortunate state of affairs we are currently faced with. As the situation progresses we're seeing first world countries faltering, economies crumbling and technology failing, now more than ever we realize the importance of self sufficiency and sustainability. While major corporations as well as international borders are closed we recognize how paramount it is to produce locally, to conserve and to take care of our fellow humans. Though this is a trying time for some more than others, let us still be mindful to minimize our negative actions towards the environment, we can do so by simply recycling, conserving water or refraining from lighting backyard fires and dumping garbage in waterways. While we're in lockdown we're longing to go outside, everyone is hoping for things to get back to normal. My hope is that when the bans have been lifted we remember the essential services, people and businesses that were holding us up, whether it's your local neighbourhood farmer who sells organic eggs or that small business who devoted their time to make masks for the needy. When we have access to the beaches again I hope we do our part and stop littering the shores with empty plastic bottles and snack wrappers. We all have a part to play in making the world a better place and can do so effortlessly by making mindful decisions, if it's one thing this lockdown has shown us is that when everything else is taken away, all we are really left with is our Earth, our innate talents, our natural resources and most importantly...each other. Happy Earth Day to all of you.
#HappyEarthDay #EarthDay2020 #EarthDay50thAnniversary #EarthDayBlog #LifestyleBlog #LifestyleBlogger #CaribbeanBlogger #TriniBlogger #SaidBySue
I love it. Well said. Everything is so revelant and articulate.